Hair Loss Tips For Women

When you think about hair loss, you probably picture a balding man. While male pattern baldness is a well-known problem, women can suffer from hair loss as well. If you are a woman and have noticed that your head of hair doesn't seem as full as it once did, there are some things you can do to try and prevent further damage. Here are some hair loss tips for women to keep in mind. Read More 

3 Guidelines For Safe Laser Hair Removal In The Summer

Summer is almost here, and for many people, this means that it's time to break out their swimsuits and summer wardrobes. Don't let unwanted body hair keep you from rocking your warm weather clothes with confidence. Instead, consider laser hair removal for body hair that you want to permanently eradicate. Laser hair removal penetrates the skin with a laser that damages the hair follicles, slowing and ultimately preventing the regrowth of hair. Read More 

Is Permanent Makeup Right For You?

If you consider yourself a makeup lover, you may have considered permanent makeup. Keep in mind that permanent makeup, which often includes lip liner, brow fillers, and eye liner, is much like getting a tattoo and will be permanent for the most part. Before you get this type of unique procedure done, you want to make sure it will actually be best for you. Is permanent makeup right for you? Maybe; use this guide to help you see if this type of cosmetic work is what will make your life better. Read More 

Is Food Causing My Acne?

The link between food and acne hasn't been completely proven or disproven by studies. The current thinking is that nothing is probably causing acne directly, but there may be ways to help influence your skin's health through diet that could reduce the risk of developing acne. However, anecdotes abound about skin magically clearing up after giving up a certain food— and of course, most people have a story about developing a zit after eating a chocolate bar or bag of fries. Read More 

4 Ways To Change Up Your Hair Color

If you often envy celebrities' hair and wish you could look like them, that might be a sign that you're getting bored with your current hairdo. Luckily, it's never been easier to get a hair makeover. All you need to do is pay a visit to your local hair salon. Here are four ways you can change up your hair color: 1. Balayage Traditional highlights are placed using a highlighting cap or foils, and they result in even strips of color that look very artificial. Read More