Allergic To OTC Lice Treatments? Try These Alternatives

You can purchase lice-removing shampoos and rinses at most pharmacies, but they contain pesticides to kill the lice, and some people are allergic to these pesticides. If you've had a bad reaction to any pesticide product before, you may want to consider using an alternative lice removal treatment. Here are a few options. Apple Cider Vinegar Is there anything apple cider vinegar can't do? This natural product has a long list of applications for house cleaning and for health, and lice removal is certainly one of them. Read More 

Getting Rid Of Wrinkles: 3 Tips To Recovering From CO2 Laser Resurfacing Faster

Everyone is looking for the fountain of youth, so that they can enjoy their youth for just a little bit longer. While Americans spend approximately $43 billion a year on skin-care products in hopes of being able to stay looking younger, one of the most effective ways to get rid of the wrinkles is to opt for CO2 laser resurfacing. This technique relies on concentrated beams of lasers to remove the most superficial layers of skin and stimulate collagen production. Read More 

Tips For Dealing With Hair Loss While Going Through Chemotherapy

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, one of the treatment options that you will likely try is chemotherapy. Some forms of chemo result in you losing your hair. This can be frustrating to anyone who is going through this process because you might feel like it marks you as someone with cancer, that it makes you less attractive, and that it diminishes your confidence. Luckily, there are a few methods of dealing with hair loss while undergoing chemo that might be able to help you. Read More 

3 Natural Methods For Ridding Your Hair Of Lice

Lice are prominent in schools, and they can even end up breeding in your hair after a visit to an unsanitary hair stylist. Here are a few methods for getting rid of lice without using chemicals or prescribed medications.  Try Salt and Vinegar Salt and vinegar mixes help eliminate lice by destroying the eggs and adults. The mixture, which should be at a ratio of 1 to 1, can be applied to the hair directly. Read More 

Ways To Remove Lice From The Hair With Food Items In Your Home

If your child comes home from school with lice, you will want to kill the bugs quickly. However, over-the-counter shampoos and treatments can be pricey. If money is tight, you may be looking for something cheaper. Fortunately, there are a few food items you likely already have in your home that can help to kill these pests. Here are a few ways to kill lice with food items in your home. Read More